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Our mission is to provide accessible and authentic Islamic knowledge to students worldwide. Whether you’re deepening your understanding of faith, exploring new perspectives, or seeking answers, our platform is designed to support your learning journey with integrity and respect.

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About Our Mission

Our mission is to provide accessible and authentic Islamic knowledge to students worldwide. Whether you’re deepening your understanding of faith, exploring new perspectives, or seeking answers, our platform is designed to support your learning journey with integrity and respect.

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Explore Our Courses

Gain a comprehensive understanding of Fiqh, the Islamic system of law derived from the Quran, Hadith, and the scholarly consensus. Our Fiqh courses cover essential topics, including daily rituals, ethical conduct, and legal matters in various schools of thought, guiding you in practicing Islam with knowledge and confidence.

Have Questions? We Have Answers

Find answers to commonly asked questions on various Islamic topics, from worship practices to daily life issues.

Is Cat Hair Impure (Najasah)?
الحمد لله رب العالمين ، وصلى الله على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين، وبالله التوفيق إذا جز شعر أو صوف أو وبر من مأكول اللحم فهو طاهر بنص القرآن واجماع الامة (المجموع: 1: 129) إذا جز الشعر والصوف والوبر والريش من حيوان لا يؤكل أو سقط بنفسه أو نتف فاتفق أصحابنا على أن له حكم شعر الميتة لان ما أبين ...
Is Delaying Circumcision Past Puberty a ...
Wa alaykum salam wa rahmatuLlahi wa barakatuHu, In the Shafi’i Scool, circumcision is necessary for both men and women. (Sharh al-Muhadhdhab v. 1, p. 300) It is recommended for a child’s guardian to circumcise it during infancy, while not obligatory. It is obligatory that one be circumcised after re...
Is Congregational Prayer obligatory?
Wa’alaykum Salam Wa Rahmatullah The relied upon view of the madhhab of Imam Ash-Shafi’i is that congregational prayer is Fard Kifayah (communally obligatory), however, there is a weaker view that it is personally obligatory (fard ‘ayn) and also Sunnah Mu’akkadah (an established, repeated sunnah). It...
Is Hadra Permissable As Per Ijma?
Wa alaykum salam wa rahmatuLlahi wa barakatuHu, All praise is to Allah. And, prayers and salutations are on the Prophet Muhammad. Ijma, as mentioned in the question, is the agreement of all the mujtahids of a given era on a specific matter. Ijma is not restricted to a particular madhhab. Rather, it ...
Is Cat Hair Impure (Najasah)?
الحمد لله رب العالمين ، وصلى الله على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين، وبالله التوفيق إذا جز شعر أو صوف أو وبر من مأكول اللحم فهو طاهر بنص القرآن واجماع الامة (المجموع: 1: 129) إذا جز الشعر والصوف والوبر والريش من حيوان لا يؤكل أو سقط بنفسه أو نتف فاتفق أصحابنا على أن له حكم شعر الميتة لان ما أبين ...
Is Delaying Circumcision Past Puberty a ...
Wa alaykum salam wa rahmatuLlahi wa barakatuHu, In the Shafi’i Scool, circumcision is necessary for both men and women. (Sharh al-Muhadhdhab v. 1, p. 300) It is recommended for a child’s guardian to circumcise it during infancy, while not obligatory. It is obligatory that one be circumcised after re...

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Insights and Inspiration

Gain a comprehensive understanding of Fiqh, the Islamic system of law derived from the Quran, Hadith, and the scholarly consensus. Our Fiqh courses cover essential topics, including daily rituals, ethical conduct, and legal matters in various schools of thought, guiding you in practicing Islam with knowledge and confidence.