Can We Organize a Global Day of Fasting to Seek Protection against the Coronavirus?


Can We Organize a Global Day of Fasting to Seek Protection against the Coronavirus?


This text message that is circulating the world is permissible and what it suggests to do is not haram. Turning to Allah Most High in worship as a united Umma in a time of need is an Islamic concept, as we have seen from the Drought Prayer. Supplication is known to be answered when one is fasting, especially at the time of breaking the fast.

The Prophet (may Allah bless and grant him peace) said, “There are three whose supplications are not turned back: A just ruler, and a fasting person until he breaks his fast. And, the supplication of one who has been wronged is raised by Allah up to the clouds on the Day of Resurrection, and the gates of heaven are opened for it, and Allah says, ‘By My Might, I will help you (against the wrongdoer) even if it is after a while.’” [Ibn Majah]

May Allah protect everyone from this virus and bring much good out of it.

[Ustadha] Shazia Ahmad
Checked and Approved by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Ustadha Shazia Ahmad lived in Damascus, Syria, for two years where she studied aqida, fiqh, tajweed, tafsir, and Arabic. She then attended the University of Texas at Austin, where she completed her Masters in Arabic. Afterward, she moved to Amman, Jordan where she studied fiqh, Arabic, and other sciences. She later moved back to Mississauga, Canada, where she lives with her family.

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