Is Hadra Permissable As Per Ijma?


Is Hadra Permissable As Per Ijma?


Wa alaykum salam wa rahmatuLlahi wa barakatuHu,

All praise is to Allah. And, prayers and salutations are on the Prophet Muhammad.

Ijma, as mentioned in the question, is the agreement of all the mujtahids of a given era on a specific matter. Ijma is not restricted to a particular madhhab. Rather, it is measured according to the entire ummah’s opinion. Therefore, if the Shafi’is agree on a point, their agreement is not necessarily considered ijma. After the Quran and the Sunnahijma is the third source of Islamic law. (See: Zarkashi, al-Bahr al-Muhit 4/435-37)

The controversial element in a ‘hadra’ may well be the participant’s movements which include swaying back and forth [raqs]. If the permissibility of a ‘hadra’ is contingent on ‘raqs’ being permissible, then in Kitab al-Shahadat, Imam Nawawi discussed the issue. Subsequently, Ibn Hajar, Khatib, and others commented on Imam Nawawi’s remarks. The following are opinions pertinent to the issue as stated in Ibn Hajar’s Tuhfat al-Muhtaj and Khatib Shirbini’s Mughni al-Muhtaj:

1) Furani and others maintain that it is permissible [mubah] because it is merely movement and repose.

2) In another view it is disliked. This comes from Qaffal and others.

3) Ghazzali drew a line of distinction between individuals whose emotional/spiritual state becomes overwhelmed, and act according to that. These individuals are referred to as ‘arbab al-ahwal.’ According to Ghazzali’s view, it is not disliked for them; but remains disliked for others. Bulqini assessed Ghazzali’s view, and stated that there is no need to make such an exception. For the reason that such individuals have lost control of themselves and in that instance are not duty-bound. Khatib states that it is clear when one is in such a state. Even so, many who do this are not.

In conclusion, the first view that ‘raqs’ is permissible [mubah] seems to be what Ibn Hajar and Khatib prefer. However, there is a difference of opinion amongst the Shafis regarding this. Moreover, there is not an ijma establishing the permissibility of ‘raqs’ or by extension ‘hadra’.


And, Allah knows best. Fatwa Dept.

al-Haytami, Ibn Hajar. Tuhfat al-Muhtaj. [Printed in ten volumes with Tuhfat al-Muhtaj featured on the margins, Shirwani’s commentary on the top of the page, and Ibn Qasim’s on the bottom]. Cairo: Matba’at Mustafa Muhammad. See: vol. 10, pg. 221-22.

Khatib Shirbini. Mughni al-Muhtaj. 6 vols. Beirut: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah. See: vol. 6, pg. 350.

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