Explore over 20,000 answers from trusted Shafi'i scholars, providing authentic guidance on Fiqh matters
The Shafi’i View on Women Visiting the Graves
The Shafi’i author and jurist Abu Is-haq Ash-Shirāzī stated, “It is not permitted for women to visit the graves due
The Talaq of One Intoxicated
Wa alaykum salam wa rahmatuLlahi wa barakatuHu, We understand that what is intended in the question to be that a
The Wife Paying Her Own Zakat al-Fitr?
Wa alaykum salam wa rahmatuLlahi wa barakatuHu, If a woman pays her own zakat al-fitr, while her husband is capable to
Using Acronyms Like “SAW”
Wa alaykum salam wa rahmatuLlahi wa barakatuHu, Imam Nawawi stated that it is recommended [mustahabb] for one to write صلى
Translating Islamic Works and Then Selling Them
Wa alaykum salam wa rahmatuLlahi wa barakatuHu, It is permissible to translate an Islamic work, in Shafi’i fiqh or other subjects, and
Using Impure Soap to Remove Dirt and Filth
Wa alaykum salam wa rahmatuLlahi wa barakatuHu, Sh. Muhammad b. ‘Abd al-Rahman al-Ahdal related that one may use soap made
Using Ahad Reports for Aqa’id and Hudud
Wa alaykum salam wa rahmatuLlahi wa barakatuHu, In regards to using ahad reports on points of belief, some scholars maintained that ahad reports are
Various Questions Asked by a former “salafi”: standing back up after sajdah, breaking wudu by touching wife, perfume during fasting
The madhahib (sing. madhhab) should not be construed as four walls that surround its adherents, preventing them from any kind of exit. Rather,
The Supplication after Adhan
Wa alaykum salam wa rahmatuLlahi wa barakatuHu, Imam Bukhari (Rady Allahu anhu) related on the authority of Jabir (Rady Allahu
The Validity of Giving a Khutbah In non-Arabic
In the Name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate The preferred opinion of the later fuqaha of the Shafi’i madhhab,