28 Feb Posted by Kashif Yaqoob Did scholars from Salaf interpret the verse about the Eyes of Allah? Yes, some scholars from the Salaf did interpret the verse about the Eyes of Allah Most High. وَاصْنَعِ الْفُلْكَ بِأَعْيُنِنَا وَوَح... Continue reading
28 Feb Posted by Kashif Yaqoob Is it correct everyone interprets verses of Quran describing Allah? Yes, it is correct to say that everyone interprets verses of the Quran that describe Allah Most High. The best example of this is in Su... Continue reading
28 Feb Posted by Kashif Yaqoob Is it true that Taweel (interpretation) is explicit in Hadith? Yes, it is true that Taweel (interpretation) is explicit in Hadith. The Hadith is in Sahih Muslim and it teaches Muslims how to interpr... Continue reading
28 Feb Posted by Kashif Yaqoob Is it true that Imam al-Bukhari engaged in Taweel (interpretation)? Yes, it is true that Imam al-Bukhari engaged in Taweel (interpretation) at times, as did many other leading scholars of Ahl al-Sunnah a... Continue reading
28 Feb Posted by Kashif Yaqoob Did the Salaf interpret the Face of Allah (Most High)? In the Name of Allah Most Merciful Most Kind Short Answer Yes, some of the Salaf did interpret the Face of Allah (Most High) and such... Continue reading
28 Feb Posted by Kashif Yaqoob Is it acceptable to say someone is in Jannah? No, it is not acceptable to say someone is in Jannah because he died in Ramadan, on Hajj or because he was pious. We are only permitted... Continue reading
28 Feb Posted by Kashif Yaqoob Can you please provide explicit evidence that Jews are Kafir? Please do read the previous answer again, as it does contain clear evidence regarding the Jews being Kafir. In the first verse the Ahl ... Continue reading
28 Feb Posted by Kashif Yaqoob Where is Allah (Most High)? Allah Most High is greater than His creation and He does not reside within it. Neither do the concepts of place, direction or occupying... Continue reading
28 Feb Posted by Kashif Yaqoob Abdullah bin Masood didn’t allow people to call someone Shaheed? Yes, it is true that Sayidina Abdullah bin Masood (May Allah Most High be pleased with him) warned people against calling someone Shahe... Continue reading
28 Feb Posted by Kashif Yaqoob Is it true that if you commit major sins you become Kafir? No, it is not true that if you commit major sins (Kabaair) then you become a Kafir and have left Islam. Rather, it is extremely sinful ... Continue reading